Science Fiction, Fragment King, ESPost ... how it all came together

Science Fiction was a source of inspiration for many tracks, pieces of music and soundscapes that I recorded since 1996. To my surprise, eventually Science Fiction became interested in these projects in return. Erich Herbst, the long-time editor of the ESPost Science Fiction fanzine, interviewed me a while back. As it turns out, he is an open-minded fan not only of Perry Rhodan – the German Science Fiction flagship since 1961. He is also an avid listener of progressive, electronic and adventurous music. We quickly became acquainted at monthly SF fan meetings in Munich and started talking about shared passions – the Perry Rhodan series, architecture, music. One result was an interview Erich published in the ESPost, which just so happened to be the most extensive fan repository for all recent information on the Perry Rhodan series and fandom. It was also the fanzine with the largest number of subscribers. As its editor-in-chief, Erich curated the ESPost for 25 years before retiring in 2024. While it is mostly of interest to German-speaking and reading SF fans (and there are many), its publication run makes the "Ellerts Stammtisch Post" a treasure trove for all knowledge oriented on how interactions between creators and fans takes place in the Science Fiction scene. (Ernst Ellert is a character of the series, a mutant with the ability to shift his consciousness through time and space.) I'm posting images of the interview from ESPost issue 275 here. Erich and I complemented the interview with a short video including FK and Nexialist Organization tracks that were influenced by SF and "PR", as the Perry Rhodan series is called in short. With cosmic thanks to Erich – enjoy!

The ESPost publication archive with pdf versions of the issues can be found here.


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