Playing today ... Symboflex Transmission

In 2002 Nexicon (Lee Bartow, Tim Spann, Mark Kammerbauer) recorded multiple hours worth of sessions that were released drip by drip, first on vinyl and then digitally. "Symboflex Transmission" is part of the most recent release of intensively edited and reworked recordings, amended with new ambience and superimposed sounds. The title is a reference to the Perry Rhodan series and, in paricular, the "M87" story arc. Introduced in that story arc, the Symboflex Partners (Symboflex-Partner) are symbiotes that control the Second Level Conditioning operators (Zweitkonditionierte) or Second Vibratory Force (Zweite Schwingungsmacht) of the "Time Police". The Symboflex Partners are worm-like creatures with white skin that are attached to the neck of the four-armed, three-eyed Second Level Conditioning operators. Through the symbiotes, the First Vibratory Force establishes control over its second tier operators. The track is an industrial-ish, techno-ish hybrid of noise and 4-to-the-floor beats that is intended to invoke the sensation (and dread) of symbiote control of the Time Police.

(covers taken from and


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