Playing today ... Weird Side Of The Force

When I recorded "Weird Side Of The Force" in 1999 the first of three Star Wars prequels had just been released. A number of things happened. A friend at the time said, "we watched it on a computer on a very small screen, I didn't like it." As it turned out, she had real issues, aside from watching the film online through a dialup modem. Athletes! Then, upon watching it myself in the movie theater, of course, "Episode 1" turned out to be a really weird film. Obi-Wan's bizarre hairdo, Jar Jar Binks, "Kid Vader", everything happening on Tattooine (remember, a galactic backwater planet) ... OK. George Lucas wanted it that way, good for him. Everybody watched this film and the two following prequels. So, I find the title of this track quite fitting.


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