Playing today ... Horselover Fat

"Horselover Fat" is a reference to Philip K. Dick's "alternative self" in his novel VALIS – and it is a session track that I created with Lee Bartow (Annihilvs, Theologian, NTT) and Tim Spann (NTT, Abfall) in the early zeros in Upstate New York. Collected under the project name NEXICON, we recorded a number of jam sessions and released select tracks. We subsequently played "Horselover Fat" live at Tonic in New York City on 19 February 2003. For Bandcamp, I edited the live recording into a coherent segment including four originally separate session tracks. The project has an entirely utopian character to it, therefore the Science Fiction reference should be self-evident. Since I already featured the cover to VALIS in another post, I'm featuring the cover of another Dick classic, Man In The High Castle, in its German original I read as a teenager.


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