Vital Weekly presented a double review in their Episode no. 1356 and I like it. Thanks so much! Podcast link to follow right after the review.

FRAGMENT KING - RETREAT (cassette by Annihilvs)

"In 2014 there was the MHz label run by Maurizio and Boris from Klangstabil, and one of the final releases was "Angel Position" by Fragment King. Hearing this album now, there are two questions that come to mind: 1) Isn't this too harsh to be on MHz, knowing Maurizio and Boris a bit? The answer is no. Because Klangstabil can do pure noise and the song-structured stuff they've become 'famous' with. As with Klangstabil, it's about crossing borders, incorporating different styles, and getting something out that shouldn't stay locked inside.
    Fragment King is Mark Kammerbauer, and this is his main project regarding music. He did things in the past with Leech from Navicon Torture Technologies and a collaboration with Z'ev. Listening to this CD, I have flashbacks from older Godflesh: And in a good way. While Klangstabil incorporated Electronic music with maybe some 'poppy' (read accessible) influences while maintaining a solid, highly experimental base, Fragment King might be called 'ROCK' in iTunes. Still, it should be considered an accessible version of Sludge / Drone Metal, Power Electronics, Industrial and a layer of Noise. So yes, it fits many different stickers/labels.
    This release seems exactly the same as the MHz one. The graphic design by Liis Roden follows the original tightly (or did she also do the original?). Nine tracks between roughly 6 and 10 minutes. The first seven all fit this earlier description. Track nine is a remix by Berlin-based Drum n Bass artist Bazooka who also mastered it, which leaves us track eight, "Kingdom". That would probably be my favourite; painful feedback combined with an orchestral score in the background and massive abuse of a bass guitar (I think) with at moments triggers the whole stasis of chaos. A great and, as said, painful piece. And that 2nd question that came to mind in the beginning, I really can't remember. Probably nothing essential, or I got sucked into the music that much.
    The cassette 'Retreat', sent to us in the same package, was released in august 2021 an Annihilvs Power Electronix; The label is from Lee (Leech / Theologian / Navicon Torture Technologies / etc.). A nicely packaged 5-track cassette with material Fragment King created between 2019 and 2021. The 'Recorded in Munich' reveals some extra info about Mark and why I read somewhere, he's a Bavarian American, which might explain the MHz connection.
    Five pieces that "... draw from digital beats and sounds, treated vocals and site-specific bass guitar feedback and drone sounds ..." Damn, that sort of describes my favourite track from the "Angel Position" album. The "Torch Song" has quite an aggressive approach and is in sync with the stuff on the CD. The other four tracks are more ambient/experimental. They are completely different yet 'in sync' with each other. The digital version comes with an extra Fragment King track and two remixes by 2W and SnowBeasts. And that 2W 'Labrat' remix ... Fuck, that's heavy. (BW)"

Vital Weekly

Vital Weekly podcast no. 1356


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