A Conversation with Z'EV: Resilient Ears for Doom

Sometimes I write about music and how it influences society – and vice versa. Here is a letter to experimental percussion pioneer and master Z'EV that was intended as an invited contribution to a workshop on the topic of "doom and gloom". The letter was never published, however, until now. From 2005 to 2017, when he passed, I had the honor and opportunity of learning from him and playing and recording music with him. This letter was part of our conversation at the time. Resilient Ears for Doom - Extreme Music and Coping Capacity Dear z'ev, there was something I was wondering about and given your knowledge on music I hope we can discuss the matter somehow. It actually relates to two of my main interests - disaster and music. The thing that I am wondering about is whether music can contribute to the capacity of people to cope with stressful situations or even disaster. I'll try to be more specific: in developed countries, there are forms of emergency management and ...