The original Nexialist “Tri-Head” logo was developed in 2000. Its basis is the “Helvetica Man” symbol that was commissioned by the US Department of Transportation and produced by AIGA, the American Institute of Graphic Arts. It is oriented on previous works, such as the graphic design for the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. “Helvetica Man” is part of the original 1974 series of pictograms or symbols intended to communicate facilities and functions to the public. The symbols are copyright free and intended for public use. This was part of the motivation behind creating a logo for Nexialist – it was intended to be “un-copyrightable” and hence, universal. In difference to the original “Helvetica Man” the “Tri-Head” is broader in order to accommodate three heads, with one additional head to both sides of the original, central head. The three heads were intended to represent the three core interests of Nexialist: architecture, music, text. In 2022 the “Tri-Head” was re-imagined for the 25th anni...